Mr. Mueller gave a free webinar for homeopaths on The Mueller Method which was hosted by Will Taylor, MD and sponsored by WholeHealthNow Books.. The description is as follows:
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH, continues the work of Samuel Hahnemann by applying the concepts from the Organon to today’s homeopathic practice. Diseases of today are more complex than in Samuel Hahnemann’s time [more than 200 years ago]. Our chronic disorders are mostly iatrogenic (drug/poison induced). Learn how to use new tools to accomplish more with your patients – faster and gentler.
Topics covered: dosing, potency, primary and secondary action of drugs, causes of disease, removing obstacles to cure and antidoting (reverse chronological tautopathy), remedy selection for complex and multiple disorders and more.
While this webinar was intended for fully trained homeopaths to help them improve their homeopathic practice, you may find it of interest to know how Mr. Mueller’s practice differs vastly from other homeopaths. Learn how The Mueller Method uses all the tools in the homeopathic toolbox!
The post The Mueller Method – Digging Deeper into Your Homeopathic Toolbox appeared first on Homeopathic Associates.